Our Story

“Humbling beginnings is the mark of excellence endured, that said not all who wander are lost and not all who are lost… wander.”

  • This excerpt is a given philosophy to most who tread in and out of automotive facilities. With expectations and a shining drive snuffed by callous and cold leadership. From who of which treat both their stakeholders and subordinates as just a number.

  • Personally, I’ve witnessed this negative environment strip both gratitude and integrity to the bare bones of transactional rapport and zero understanding of customer needs all while destroying public trust.

  • Companies then hire and fire the same narrative that corroded stakeholder interest in the first place. Thus cycling an endless reputation that all forms of the transport industry follow suit in the same philosophy, leaving entry level employees to walk away when nothing ever changes. With industries that do not intend to help their fellow neighbor if given that chance.


A brief explanation of the why you ask? …Gladly

Many of us that have been in the automotive whether it be dealerships, insurance, manufacturing, repair EV, diesel, gas, body repair, shipping logistics, and machining shops having witnessed the scenario of a single parent that could not afford repairs in their price range. But we stood at the mercy of our employment without being able to help guide the customer, in finding options their budget can handle. And that is where we come in…

Our mission is to bring transparency and simplicity to your every day needs. All while tackling age old problems with modern profound methods. The principle is to promote community among an ever dividing industry while restoring trust in a greater tomorrow. It can be a cold world, but steel your resolve because you will not venture this journey alone

  • We are Fahrenheit 1 and this is a tribute to more…